About Us

Dr. S. M. Kantikar is a Pathologist, MD Pathology from Dr. VMGMC, Solapur (Maharashtra). He acquired PhD in law from NLSIU, Bangalore.

He started his professional career in Shimoga from 1989 till 2013. In 2006, he joined as a founder teaching faculty of new Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences ( Govt .of Karnataka) and worked as an Asst. /Associate Professor. As a social worker, he started two voluntary blood banks viz. Red Cross Sanjeevini (2006) and Rotary Mid Town (1994) in Shimoga. He was Hon. Professor in Law & Medicine in CBR, National Law College, Shimoga.

He was a Member of District Consumer Commission, Shimoga for 4 years during 2003 - 06. In the field of Consumer affairs and law he completed research projects on “Impact of The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 on Medical Negligence”, “Right to Health- a Human Right Perspective” and “Legal Regime for Safe Blood.” He is a resource person for National Academic Conferences and the training programs at various Institute like National Judicial Academy (NJA), Indian Institute for Public Administration (IIPA), IIT, IIM-A . He was conferred “Karnataka Rajyotsava Award-2021” by the Govt. of Karnataka.


We have a 100% commitment to uncomplicate the legal environment on this digital platform.


Our one-point focus is to make Medical Malpractice issues and judgements available.


Our goal is to create a safe nexus of lawyers and docturs.We provide 100% consistency in our work.

Meet Our Team

In Our Law Firm, we think differently. We look at you as a real person who has been injured at the hands of a medical professional and deserves justice; not of as a number on a case file. Our office has a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, where you are welcomed by the entire staff. Everyone gets to know you and learns about your case so that whenever you call, anybody can answer your questions and address your concerns.

We do this because we care. We have a vested interest in what happens to you and the overall outcome of your case. We feel that this relaxed attitude enhances what we do because it makes us want to fight harder for you and your cause.